Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Interesting Sites on Genetics

Here are few sites related to Genetics which are very interesting and useful too..
  1. Genetics @nature
  2. nextbio
  3. 23and me
NextBio is a life science search engine that enables researchers and clinicians to access and understand the world's life sciences information.

23andMe provides a collection of educational materials to guide you on your personal journey of genetic discovery.

Let us explore and discover the world of Genetics.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Genetics and you

This is a site to discuss about the recent updates in Genetics, facts, opportunities and more..Genetics is a booming area in the field of Science..and is an amazing subject. Genetics..the word itself tells us it is nothing but genesis ie., origin. It is the Science of heredity and variation in living organisms..